After 22 months of play, the event has ended with the clear victory of the peruvian team, totaling 33.5 points.
Second and third places were taken by Argentina and the USA, both finishing with 32 points.
The peruvian team was composed by:
- Board 1: GM Angel Acevedo
- Board 2: SIM Gino Figlio
- Board 3: IM Jorge Quiñones
- Board 4: CCM Marco Cusicanqui
Of note, they finished the event undefeated with an impressive performance on board 3 and board 4.
The event was directed with great aplomb by IA Corky Schakel, and the following norms were achieved:
- Board 1:
- SIM norm by Alfredo Dutra (BRA)
- IM norm by Hüseyin Özalp (TUR)
- Board 2:
- IM norms by Evren Önder (TUR), Anthonny Cubides (VEN) and Carlos Vila Hernández (CUB)
- Board 3:
- CCE norm by Carlos Ricardo Granados Rodríguez (CRC)
- CCM norm by Carlos Ricardo Granados Rodríguez (CRC)
- Board 4:
- CCE norms achieved by Ricardo Paul Ortiz Hernández (MEX) and Alper Elçi (TUR)
- CCM norms achieved by Ricardo Paul Ortiz Hernández (MEX) and Alper Elçi (TUR)
- IM norm by Marco Cusicanqui (PER)
We recognize the 15 teams that participated and hope to see you in the next edition, to start in 2023!
Juan Martello
WZ Head Tournament Director
Congratulations to all participating teams and also to all the players, to the Team Peru for winning the 1st WZ Team Championship and all the tournament directors who officiated the events.
Team Philippines will be joining the next edition in 2023!
Arthur Simplina
Philippine Correspondence Chess Association