With a triple tie in first place, the tournament winners are in no particular order Denny Marbourg (USA), Ramón Au Cardero (CUB) and Alberto Pérez López (CUB). The prize fund of $750 was divided equally among the winners, all of them finished the tournament with a +1 score Congratulations!
Author Archives

The World Zone Individual Championship Final # 2
contributed by:Arthur Simplina Philippine Correspondence Chess Association February 5, 2023 The WZ Individual Championship Final #2 was recently concluded last January 13, 2023 with the only win in this event that resulted to first place finish and championship by SIM Gordon Dunlop from Australia. This is a strong Category 9 tournament with an average rating … Continue Reading
The Rest of the World Super Regional tournaments
ICCF has accepted the World Zone proposal to transfer its main events. There will be two tournaments, the Rest of the World (ROW) individual championship and the ROW team championships. The rules for these events are described in the following document. As you can see, they are the same rules that the European championships have. … Continue Reading
The WZ store is closed
The WZ delegates have decided to transition our tournaments to ICCF. The WZ store is therefore closed at this time. We will make an announcement in the next few days regarding how to register in our main events, and how we will manage the transition. Some events will not transfer to ICCF but we will … Continue Reading

Featured Player of World Zone – GM Sergio Badolati (in white shirt)
ICCF: 71079
ICCF Titles: IM 2007, SIM 2009, GM 2010, Rating: 2443 Our featured player of the World Zone for today is GM Sergio Badolati (ICCF 71079) of Brazil. For this write-up I was thinking on how to proceed on the next selection of the featured player. It came to my mind that perhaps a player from … Continue Reading

Featured player of the World Zone
Ozen, Bahadir TURICCF ID: 490789ICCF Titles: CCE, 2022Rating: 2318 For the featured player of the World Zone, I have selected Mr. Bahadır Ozen of Turkey as Ithought he is a good material being a FIDE International Master and relatively new tocorrespondence chess. The selection is at random as currently I don’t have any criteria ofselection … Continue Reading
Featured Player of World Zone
Pancho Amor Simplina ICCF 896207 Registered: 6/22/2020 ICCF Titles: CCM 2021, CCE 2021 Rating: 2337 Pancho Amor Simplina is my younger brother who learned to play chess during his childhood while watching my father play chess with his friends in the Philippines. He was the high school chess champion at his younger high school years … Continue Reading

The first WZ Team Championship has finished, by Juan Martello
After 22 months of play, the event has ended with the clear victory of the peruvian team, totaling 33.5 points. Second and third places were taken by Argentina and the USA, both finishing with 32 points. The peruvian team was composed by: Board 1: GM Angel Acevedo Board 2: SIM Gino Figlio Board 3: IM … Continue Reading
Lock before start date rule
I wanted to make sure our players knew about the new ICCF rule, the lock before start date rule. In order to make sure that players participating in different events have the same amount of reflection time, starting in 2022, players will NOT be able to make moves before the tournament start date. Remember the … Continue Reading
New World Zone tournament entry fees
After ICCF Congress’ approval of proposal 2021-025, and the consequent overall reduction in ICCF entry fees, the World Zone delegates have decided that in order to simplify our finances and streamline the event entry process, we will be adopting a flat fee system for all of our tournaments effective January 1, 2022. Two tournament types … Continue Reading